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PROPYLENE 3.0 L50, 50 Litre, 10 Bar
- Type Pure
- Formula C3H6
- Code
- Synonym Propene
Main Specifications
- Family Name Propylene
- IUPAC Name Propene
- Grade 3
- Recommended Equipment Please Inquire
Product Specifications
Product Details
- Shelf Life 60 months
- Size (Water Capacity - Liters) 50
- Fill Pressure (bar @15°C) 10
- Contents(m3 at 15degs, 1 bar) 21.5 KG
- Empty Weight (kg) 70
- Full Weight (kg) 91.5
- Package Cylinder
- Cylinder Material Steel
- Valve Outlet BS341 - No 4
- Shoulder Colour Red (RAL 3000)
- Body Colour Grey (RAL 7037)
- Valve Guard Bell Cap
- Cylinder (mm) or
Pack Height (mm) 1550-1750 - Cylinder Diameter (mm) or
Pack Footprint (WmmxDmm) 230
- H2O < ppm 4
- O2 < ppm 2
- N2 < ppm 20
- CO2 < ppm 4
- CnHm < ppm 950
- Main Applications Laboratory Research, Chemical Synthesis, Combustion Testing
Shipping Data
- Shipping Class ADR / RID Class 2
- Proper Shipping Name PROPYLENE
- UN No. 1077
Physical Constants of Gas
- CAS Registry No. 01/07/15
- Molecular Weight (g/mol) 42.08
- Specific Volume (m3/kg) 0.35
- Relative density (air=1) 1.45
- Boiling Point °C -34
- Gas Density at 15 °C (kg/m3) 2.8695
Safety Information & Links
- SDS Code SDS-105-CLP
- Safety Information Flammable liquid and gas.Flammability limits: lower 2%. upper 11.1%.Can form explosive mixtures in air.May cause frostbite.
Applicable Industries
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